Thursday 21 February 2013

To define is to limit

“To define is to limit”
     - Oscar Wilde
Have you ever thought of yourself as 'the shy one' or 'the silly one'? Does this stop you from speaking out or taking yourself seriously? I often define myself as a shy person, and in the past this has stopped me from answering questions that I knew the answer to, or putting myself forward for something that would be beneficial to me. But I have recently decided to take away all of the labels that I have given myself and to see what I can do. 

What about your skills? have you ever said to yourself that you are not artistic? or not sporty? Seeing yourself, or having others see you as bad as something, doesn't mean that you cant still do it if it is what you enjoy. If you enjoy colouring, then buy a colourng book or sketch pad, it doesn't have to go on display in a gallery!

See if you can let go of your self-definitions today. Can you break down a barrier that you had put up around yourself? Even better, see if you can help someone else to break through their barriers. 

Make someone feel confident today!

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