Friday 8 February 2013

"There is more to life than simply increasing its speed"

“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed”
      -Mahatma Gandhi

Have you ever found yourself counting down the days until the weekend? What happens when you get to the weekend? It speeds by and suddenly it is monday again. 

Why not appreciate the days as they go by? There are only so many weeks in our life, and if we wish them all to speed by, we will find ourselves on a porch, in a rocking chair, unable to enjoy our free time. 

Try looking forward to a Monday! See how many people you can inspire each day. How many people will catch your infectious smile? 

Happiness is contagious. Have you ever noticed that if someone is criticising an idea, you find yourself picking the idea apart, but if someone is excited and psyched about an idea, you find yourself being excited and psyched as well? Be the one to spread the excitement. Be the one to spread the joy!

We often want to rush through the commute, but try using it as a time to catch up on reading, or listen to music, or prepare for the day. We often want to rush through the boring jobs like tidying or ironing, but try putting on loud music while tidying and dance around while doing it, or putting a good movie on while ironing. 

Dont wish away the weekdays until there are none left. It sounds cheesy, but enjoy everyday as if it was your last, because in all honesty, we never know what is coming tomorrow!

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