Wednesday 27 March 2013


“Everyone in L.A. is very positive and upbeat, whereas London can get quite miserable at times.”
         -Sienna Miller

I know this isn't the kind of person that I usually take quote from, however, I have found this quote to be true. Although the one and only time I have been to LA I was about 10 years old, I can definitely confirm that London can be a very miserable place. The further into the city you go, the less people even look up from their own newspaper or magazine on the train. Although you do get a small minority of Londoners who are quirky and smiley, the vast majority are in such a rush that they forget to take in the small pleasures around them. 

One such man on my train today was having none of this, and had come along armed with his guitar and beautiful voice. He go onto my carriage on the Underground and proceeded to inform the passengers that he was neither homeless nor drunk, but had simply set himself the challenge of making londoners smile. He then sang a few songs and gave out a few sweets and then left the train, presumably in order to catch another train and make someone else's day. 

The moral of this post is not to encourage you all to start a musical on the train system (although if you are brave enough then go for it) but to send a smile someones way, or pay a colleague a compliment when you would normally be too shy. It is the small things like this that will make London, and anywhere else, a happier place. 

Spread the happiness!

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