Tuesday 29 January 2013

Dont' cry because it's over...

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”
      -Dr Seuss

Everyday, amazing things happen. But as rational and logical human beings, we are aware that most of them will, eventually, come to an end. For example, when we go on holiday, we know that we will go home soon; or even when we see a butterfly flying past, that it will soon leave us. 

Things leaving us or coming to an end is part of being a human. Therefore, we must enjoy the things that we have while they are with us, and when they are gone, we must remember them in their prime. 

Of course, it is natural to grieve if a loved ones life has come to an end, or if the love of our life does not love us back, but eventually, we should and will be able to look back on the time that we had together and remember the happy times. As Dr Seuss put it, we shall be happy because it happened, not sad because it is over. As the age old saying goes; it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. 

So, as you go about your day, take note of the important things in life, even if they are fleeting. Say thank you to the bus driver who waited an extra half second for you to reach the doors. Acknowledge the door man that has always been there. Smile at the barista who always hands you your coffee. And smile simply because you are alive and well. 

One day, some of these things may be gone, and the only thing that we will be able to do is remember the good times; so commit the good times to memory!

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