Wednesday 7 August 2013

Make the Homeless Smile

“We have come dangerously close to accepting the homeless situation as a problem that we just can’t solve.”
     - Linda Lingle

These two guys are absolute HEROs for starting this trend. I think that this is absolutely incredible and I have no other words that could possibly describe how I feel right now! 

Please help to continue this! But be safe; always go with a friend, not on your own!

Friday 28 June 2013


“Gay Rights are Human Rights”
      - Hillary Clinton

Shouldn't we all be proud of the people we love, and proud to share that love with the world! Some people feel unable to share their love, either because they feel ashamed or people feel ashamed of them. There shouldn't be different rules for different people, everyone should have the same opportunities to love who they want. 

Be proud of who you love, and be proud of your friends for who they love, because don't you want them to be happy?


Be the best version of yourself that you can be, and help others to do the same!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Amazing People!

I am absolutely in awe of these people and these images! It is just such a wonderful thing to see, and I hope that it happens a lot more than people realise. However, perhaps it doesn't happen that often. In which case, we need to help the world around us! 

21 Pictures that will restore your faith in humanity

Have you ever walked past a homeless person and thought; 'I'm not going to give them money, they will just spend it on drugs or alcohol!'? That is true, they might spend it on drugs or beer... so why not buy them some hot food, or give them some clothes that you don't wear anymore?

Have you ever seen children or adults in deprived countries walking around with no shoes when the ground is boiling hot or covered in broken glass and cigarette butts? Did you think to yourself; 'They are used to it, it's fine' just to comfort yourself? They might be used to walking around with no shoes, but it doesn't mean they should have to! If you are going travelling, towards the end of your holiday, give away some of the things that you won't wear back home, like sandals, hats, or water purifiers; they can change someones life. 

One of the easiest, but most over looked thing of all is; Saying Sorry! This is one of the easiest, and often most sought after acts. Saying sorry for something that you have done, meant to do but didn't, or something that an organisation has done can mean the world to someone. All you have to do to see this is look at the first picture in that list. 

Make someone's day today. It will make your day to see them smile!

Friday 14 June 2013

Do more of what makes you happy

“Do more of what makes you happy”
Simple. Right? I have this quote as my desktop background, and it makes it really hard to sit down and study. However, I think that it can be quite motivational as I now that once I finish my course, I will be better equipped to do what I enjoy, which is to help other people. Not to mention, I will have more free time and better job prospects. Sometimes, doing what makes you happy can mean looking to the future and ensuring future happiness. I mean, how unhappy would I be if I failed this last part of the course, and the whole year of hard work was for nothing? I would not be happy at all. So, studying and doing the hard work right know, will make me happier in the near future than if I ignored my coursework and failed my course!

However, do not always put of your happiness for a rainy day. Do small things each day to make you happy, even if they are very silly. Try at least one of these today;

  1. Spin in a full circle on your desk chair at work. 
  2. Unsubscribe from that annoying email that fills your inbox (not one that is necessary for work though!)
  3. Jump on your sofa when you get home.
  4. Have your dessert first. 
  5. Do a cartwheel in the garden/park. 
  6. Give a friend a hug. 
  7. Watch a funny youtube video (don't get sucked into the crazy youtube world of funny cats; you will never get out!)
  8. Put on that slightly brighter eyeshadow/lipstick.
  9. Look around you when you commute to work or school; were those flowers always there? isn't that doggie so cute? aww look at that baby! Trust me, it will brighten your day. 
  10. Plan a cheap day out; a picnic or a hike with friends. 
  11. Be a tourist in your own town; find out things that you never knew (you will seem super smart next time a relative or friend comes to stay!)
  12. Buy some bubbles and blow them out of your window!
  13. Slide across the floor in your socks!
What are the little things that make you smile? Things that you don't have to do, they just happen. Like a movie with a great soundtrack, when the train doors stop right in front of you, or watching a child figure something out. Let us know in the comments!

In the meantime, have a look at this website for inspiration; Just the Little Things

Saturday 11 May 2013

The illusion of absolute safety

“As we push the boundary to gain internal truth, we automatically destroy pieces of the illusion of absolute freedom”
      -Gould (1980)

Does this mean that we should not strive for internal freedom? Or that we should automatically believe, without question, that what we have always known is what is true?

What about when your parents told you that if you ate all of your broccoli your hair would grow, or if you walked around a corner without them you would be snatched up by a stranger?

Clearly some of these white lies are necessary when you are a child; in order to keep the child safe.. I mean, who wants the panic when your child runs around the corner and you cant see them for a minute until you turn the corner and see them waiting there. 

However, some of these white lies can make you seem a bit silly when you are older, like believing that your dog went to live at a farm. 

Some of these 'truths' need to be questioned, and it may be the case that they are in fact true, but it is equally possible that they may be false and you might need to rethink a few things. However, it is crucially important that you do confront them. Discovering these truths might make you realise something brilliant, or lead to even better discoveries, or even uncover amazing family secrets!

Be brave, and question the things that you 'know'. Question things that are basic knowledge; when did you learn them? Who told you that? and does it make sense now that you are older?

Friday 10 May 2013


As you might be able to see, I have slightly renovated my blog, adding a few new pages along the top and even starting my own mini campaign 'Smiles from a Stranger'! I am clearly procrastinating as my coursework is due on the 15th, but any-who... take a peek at the new pages and let me know what you think!

Let me know if you send any smiles to strangers, or if you have any ideas to share! Follow this blog to see all the new changes! 

And just a little something to get you through the day;

“Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination”
- Mark Twain

Monday 29 April 2013

Share your happiness...

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

This quote just..... it just makes sense. Happiness doesn't cost anything, happiness doesn't diminish when you share it, and happiness doesn't hurt anyone! So express your happiness and see the impact that it has on others. 

Someone might be secretly worrying about their stressful workload, or just be having a bad day. Expressing your own happiness can make them momentarily forget their worries and feel happy for at least a second!

So, share your happiness and see what happens!